Proven Benefits
Nitrogen atmospheres for coil annealing have significant benefits and advantages vs. exothermic-generated atmospheres, including:
- Improved process control for more consistent product quality
- No upfront capital required
- No maintenance
- No downtime
- Lower safety risk
- No specialized operator training required
- Flow peaking capability for rapid furnace purging (decreased cycle times)
- Elimination of soot buildup, resulting in cleaner furnace interiors
- More available floor space in furnace area

PRISM® Cryogenic Nitrogen Generators
Our range of nitrogen generators includes cryogenic, adsorption, and membrane technologies. We can meet all typical flow, pressure, and purity requirements, providing a highly reliable gas supply at an overall cost savings compared to delivered liquid nitrogen.
PRISM® Cryogenic Nitrogen Generation Systems
Count on Air Products' expertise...
Let us help you determine how to maximize the benefits of nitrogen atmospheres in your coil annealing process.

Advocacy. Standards. Insights.
The Aluminum Association is the industry’s leading voice in Washington, DC. It provides global standards, industry statistics and expert knowledge to member companies and policy makers nationwide. Highly engaged in public policy and technical forums, the Association is committed to advancing aluminum as the sustainable metal of choice around the world.
About the Association